this my current family in melburne,australia. yg tgh tunjuk her tongue together wif me is my kazen,hana.she's 4years old. so basically, if she bgun lmbt in the mornin n her dad is out she will cme into my room n wake me up. aihh. kdang2 tension gak~!!.haha. tp nk wat mcm mna she cant stand being alone by herself...stil baby lgi dia ckp~!!.hehe.perasan tul.haha. so, act i suppose 2 babysit her lar dia nie pelik sket. dia kdang2 jer likes me n sumtimes she hates me like im her anemy.bila she hates me i get reali annoyed. tp she can b reali sweet n adorable at times. kids~!! normal lar tue..:)
the lady sittin next to me nie is my aunt. i call her alang. she's a doctor. she's studyin in hosp st vincent kt melbourne city. she's doin her subspecialist. she yg encourage me not 2 b a doc. dia kta doc kindda leceh. tp she's a doc.aihh. pelik tul. the kid yg tgh showin his teeth tue naqi,my kazen. dia nie basically likes to draw alot. everyday pas blk umah surely akn selongkar umah cari kertas.pas dh habis lukis he will leave everythin smpai bersepah.pas2 dtg lar my uncle mrah2 suruh dia kemas. n 1 thing i like abot him dat he bleh tgk korean drama wif me.yg lain cant watchin it.hehe.dey get annoyed. aihh.ssh tul.dowhh.~!!

the guy dat was holdin a camera video tue is my uncle. so, for now he's currently not workin. he's a stayin home dad. he does the laundry,cookin, fetchin up his children from skwl. so, kira evryday i stay home wif hm n hana coz hana xleh msuk kinder lgi. eventhough my aunt nk dia msuk kinder. coz kt sni dia ikut bln. she lmbt 1 month utk kira as 4years old. pity her. duk umah main gan her dad jer.aihh.pdhal she wants 2 go to kinder. the boy who's wearin da cap tue is my kazen,ajim. dia nie klu mrah tnsion tul. ska blk brg2.aihh.i hate guys baling2 brg when dey angry.aihh. n he talks alot tue. dia nie xmature lgi. ska jkin around gan adk2 dia. he's in grade 6 dis year.while naqi is in grade 2.