Sunday, April 26, 2009
so many things that i need to be prepared of.wa.. TENSION~!
Tension tul. dulu masa nk msuk matriks pnya lar excited.pas2 now, bila i need to prepare all those stuffs that i will be needed later on.rsa mcm tension plak. need to go shopping. and its kindda need alot of money.aihh. aku plg benci mintak duit.n reali pity my parents bila kna kuar duit. and plg pity is that nowan will be at home. except for both of them only. since my only and sayang bro ada kt mrsm taiping. so, mesti diaorg boring duk umah sendri. pityful.=(.xper if i got time i blk slalu.hehe. if i can.dh lar duduk kt hulu.PERLIS plak tue.haha. but now, im stil waitin for upu. mna tahu if i can get.if im lucky enough lar. skrgkn org pndai2. so, need to compete n stuff. aihh. tension tul. but i will pray to ALLAH that if anything happen pn. if i di hantar ke mna2 tmpt pn. xper. AS LONG AS I CAN CATCH UP WITH ALL MY STUDIES. and I REALLI HOPE I CAN BE A DENTIST. A SUCCESSFUL WAN.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
ding dong~!! =)

Between Us
Somewhere and somehow i could feel you,
trying to make me fall for you,
but i cant accept that fact,
coz i know in my heart,
we can only be friends,
friends until the end,
but i know that maybe you cant accept that fact
im scared that one day you will leave me for another gal,
even though i cant say it out loud,
but deep inside there's sumthin special about you,
that i cant describe it,
so, for now i think we should just stay as friends
coz i believe that love as a friend is
more lasting and
i hope that you will understand the situation,
between us.
Monday, April 20, 2009
he's just not that into you~!!

here is some tips for the gals out there that are searching for the right guy~!!
here is some review and tips that i get by watching the latest movie, he's just not that into you~!
he's just not that into you~!!
- if you went out with him on a date and after a few days after that he didnt call you.that means he's reali not into you. so, for the gals out there just forget about the guy that didnt call u back after the 1st date. its not worth it if you wait for him~!!
- if you meet a new guy and the guy did ask for your number and he gives he's number too to you but he didnt let you know when he's going to call.( that means he's reali just being polite by taking ur number because he just don't want to let you down. so, basically just forget about this dude~! coz he wouldnt call u back.~!!)
- if he's done something wrong or something that you realli hate such as smoking., even though he knew that your dad died due to the lung cancer.( that means he's totally not for you because he's doesn't seem to care about your feelings.)
- if he cheated on you with another gal, and he offers himself to move out. (that means he's realli not into you anymore because he's trying to get out from you.)
how to know whether the guy is into you??!!
- he calls you after your 1st date and say something like he had some wonderful time with you on your 1st date. ( he's totally into u babe~!! haha so, better keep your mind alert because maybe he will asks you for another date..=)
- if he picks up your call even though he's with another gal. ( that could be a sign of he's into you~!! so, you better watch out. maybe you will see some flowers at infront of your house~!!=)
- if he asks you for another date after your 1st date( he likes u babe~!! your in his lists.hehe)
- if he listens to your problems and gives you some good advise ( he's falling for you~! but there could be just a sign of friends. so, you reali need more signs than this one.
- the most important thing is that he calls you when you didnt get back to him after you said you will call him back later on. it shows that he's reali reali reali into you when he come to your house instead if you didnt get back to him ( he's just worry about you and that means he's reali fallen in love with you~!! how sweet is that right.hehe.)
so, here is some guide lines for the gals out there is searching for MR RIGHT. if they reali do exist.haha. so, gudluck with that kay~!! =) and
please leave your comments after reading this kay~!!.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
im going to wait for u~!!
do u ever believe in love at the first sight? i used not to, dlu. but then after i saw him and we had some wonderful conversations then i started to believe in love at the first sight. all of this happened during educamp petronas. mula2 i mcm xnk pgi lar. coz im so not good in mingling wif others but then since nisha oso pgi. so, i was like just give it a shot lar and plus i wanna hve fun gan nisha. cuci mata tgk cute guys.haha. as usual.haha. pas2, dat saturday nite, 11th april estimated 10.30pm. a cute guy nama MOHD HAFIZ from Johor approached me. the first question he asked me was 'boleh wat xexam maths tdi?' . and then, we started to talk non-stop. we laughed at each others jokes. he told me about himself. asking me what course did i apply for the interview and stuffs. and asking me how long have i been wearing the braces. at that time, bus drivers semua suruh naik bus but then dia xnk. he mcm insisted in talking to me since i told him that i was waiting for hanisha to finish up her science and maths test. we talked kindda long until we can get along really well with each other. and at that time he trpaksa naik the bus coz scared xada bus dh for him later on. then, he said jumpa lgi esk. and i was like okie c u tomorrow. then, he came back and said that if we xjmpa tomorrow, dia wanna wish me gudluck 4 da interview. and i just said same u too~!! how stupid am i? and then, i just pusing belakang and walked away~!! another stupid move~!! wa.. and im so regretting it now.... and paling bodoh sekali is that i didnt ask for his no. aihh.. now, im regretting every minute of it. every day after that day i keep on thinking about him. about our conversations. and somehow that i feel that we are meant for each other. and every day afta that day i wish that i could repeat back that moment when he approach me asking me how was the test... but i noe it wouldnt happen again. and it is just some fake hope.. im going to remember this moment for eva

Im goin to wait for u~!
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