boring2. snap pix dlu. sblum smpai ktm kitaorg naik buses n taxi. pnat gile~!
me n quyah( ququ) :DD
kamilah, mua, n ququ. +_+
huhu, soie dh lma xupdate. n yg nie kitaorg kuar afta finish up all our tests for this sem. damn~! how fast the time flies.. and now, im just waiting for my final. huhu. actually, im not waiting for it. aihh.. so, sad lar. this raya i cannot enjoy it to the fullest. ;((( i hope lmbt sket raya.huhu. so, dat lmbt sket for me to take my finals. hee... back to the story, we went to sunway pyramid by using buses, taxi and ktm.haha. xprnh in my whole life g shoppin mall using so many public transport.reached there smua mcm nk pengsan. bt then, afta lookin at the clothes, shoes, handbags smua segar bugar blik.haha. sengal gila. ;DD. we reached back uitm at 12am. haha. i couldnt tell my parents. if they know, surely they will kill me. huhu. notty nabila duk shah alam. alahai, bkn slalu.heee..