Monday, November 29, 2010
it has been ages since i watched one, now im watching its started with a kiss. taiwan drama, bile i watch that drama, teringin gile jdi housewife duk kat umah jge anak2 and cook for family, sibuk pasal being a mom. mcm fun gile. mcm xstress lngsung. aihh, nvm lar. its just a movie i guess. but., she's damn energetic being a mom. funny, but i like it. :)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
One night on the train part 2
akhirnye, i explode. asl lar explode dalam train. during the study week and exam week i gile gile pretend that im strong. cant cry need to focus and all. last2, explode jgak. seriously penat gile study macam orang gile even during my holidays and weekends when other people are enjoying themselves. tak pernah study teruk mcm ni and yet still xleh wat. i probably get e or f for all the papers. susah gile dentistry kat UM, even tougher that medic, at least you guys have alot of free time, im fully pack every single day. 8 papers in 5 days are not fun at all. gile penat study macam orang gile for 5 days. only GOD knows how i felt. pastu, bile gtau orang i cant do it tak de spe nk percaya especially my parents. aihh, i dunwan to break your hearts but its the truth kot. tak de spe nk dgr. aihh. i can only tell to my kakak roomate sorang tue. dia je pham because she dh face this thing. semua orang akan kata korang ni tak study ke, padahal study macam nak rak dunia. aih, i got another exm for next sem, if i cant make it that one, mintak simpang byk2. i cant take final exm. then, need to repeat 1 whole year. arghhhhh. tolong lar jgn. penat gile nk kne study the same thing all over again. :((. so, i will change when the next sem comes. i'll be stronger and become super duper nerdy. skrg pn dh ckup nerdy. serious penat. even, my aunty yg doctor pn even pity seeing me studying. dentistry in UM is a silent killer. you will never know unless u take it and face it yourself.
One night on the train part 1
alot of things came out of my mind, during that long journey. i wish im invisible and heartless. i read your blog btw, replying mine. hey,im really sorry. i know you have alot of things need to be done and all. its okie lar if your busy at times and replying late. i need to give some space anyway. im just being inconsiderate. i want to tell you, tak payah lar layan i dah sangat. bile i stress i banyak kerenah. it would probably kill your mood anyway. you pun mesti under alot of pressurekn. tak pe lar. kalau its because of the post yang u bace thats why you text me everyday during my exam week xpayah lar. i xnk menyusahkn orang. i dunwan to be a pain in the ass. the last statement tue, i was angry. damn angry. your still someone to me even if im not. yang peliknya, how can you react normally texting me eventhough u've read my blog.mesti sakit hatikn. so, tak yah nak susahkn diri dh. kesian you mesti penat layan i. im so so sorry menyusahkan you selama ni.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
things that i do
maybe you dont see this but im trying to avoid you. im sick and tired of waiting for your text. sometimes, when you are with your friends pun you still replied late. excuse me, not like your in class. as i think back. you used to tell me your friends are the most important person in your life. so, it shows that im not. for what im wasting my mood to text you but in the end you will not reply it or you will reply late. ala, kawan lain boleh je reply cepat. so, in end xyah text xde sakit hati. am i right? pastu, tiba2 bile aku xtext terhegeh-hegeh nak text tanya khabar semua. malas plak nak reply. replied them in harsh way, pastu rase bersalah. hurmm.
it hurts me the most that, your not spending your time with me in my study week. i told you before study week is like im going to get a little bit insane, moody semua. but, no. you make it worse. just replying my text pun susahkan. and you are orang paling sibuk i tahu. fine lar. you dont have time for me anymore. not like my last study week. i rase lame2 ni, kite will not even contact each other.
in the end. jangan menyesal bile i really open up my heart to someone else. because at that time, you cari balik pun i takkan layan. sudah2 lar my heart you sakit.
it hurts me the most that, your not spending your time with me in my study week. i told you before study week is like im going to get a little bit insane, moody semua. but, no. you make it worse. just replying my text pun susahkan. and you are orang paling sibuk i tahu. fine lar. you dont have time for me anymore. not like my last study week. i rase lame2 ni, kite will not even contact each other.
in the end. jangan menyesal bile i really open up my heart to someone else. because at that time, you cari balik pun i takkan layan. sudah2 lar my heart you sakit.
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