damn! i think it is because of the rain kot, yeah, rain rain please go away, your making me raining inside too! goshh. gosshh!. byk sgt pk kot. need to buang some thoughts that are not necessary for me to think right now. tough! be tough! yeah, you can do it! you did it before, why cant you do it again right? its not possible. i just need some clear mind for awhile. Allah is really testing me, suddenly i found out that the necklace that i always wear since form4 or 5 is missing it's pendant! :(. so sad. force myself not too cry. waaargghhjhhhhh. i treasure this necklace so much kot. my grandpa gave it to me and byk gile memories with it. dia mcm dh part of me, dh harungi with me all the unstable emotions, happiness and all. warghhhh! sedey gile. aihh. sbar. sbar. sbar. now, i only know the word sbar! some of the stuffs that you told me really make me sad. you prefer other people to have me. you know what, you shouldnt say that. funny, why cant you just accept that sometimes not everything will turn out bad. hurmm. maybe you dont really want me kot. tak pe lar. :)