yest, my grandma wat lar kenduri doa selamat sket for me yg nk g asasi sains uitm kat shah alam. pas2 wat sekali kenduri utk dia. mntak supaya she cpt sihat lar. she kn sakit. dia ada diabetes. so, kna wat dialysis n all. and recently, dia kna cut her vein on her right arm. pity her.sakit kot. smpai darah tue dripping and all. so, mntak supaya she cpt shat lar,. xyah nk susah2 cut her vein and all lgi. pas2, tiba2 blk umah mlm tue. i trpk whether i reali do wan to do dentistry. suddenly, out of nowhere. tiba2 jer. rsa mcm maybe i'll accept the petronas scholarship for business. i xtahu lar. whether i can cope gan asasi tue.takut pn takut. i takut im not that strong as i think i am. tp my parents kta lebih baek wat asasi for dentistry.hurmm. dia kta they prefer me to take profesional course. coz lepas ni ada keja n all. kuar2 dh ada keja. mcm mna ek? do i reali wanna do this. all my life, act i xtahu wat i should be. coz i rsa mcm im not that strong to handle it.but my parents think that i can. i xnk for my whole life i kja just to please my parents. mcm mna ek? im reali wonder lar. how, ppl can noe what they wanna do. im reali confuse rite now. hurmm. bcoz for me i will like to take something yg i can think out of the box. i ska wat business act. but i xberani ambik that risiko. coz takut lpas graduate i xada job nnti. pas2 kna mrah gan my parents. they said, why skrg tiba2 nk change my mind. and i was like ntah lar. suddently, i trpk that way.aihh.. i hope ALLAH bukakkn my mind to accept the fact that i should be a dentist.aihh.
hg p ja dlu asasi sains then hg decide apa hg nk amek 4 degree oke.... hehhe...
ReplyDeletedear... u shuld decide ur future starting from now on. it is you. not ur parents now. it is you who is gonna live ur life. long way to go. like wht u said kan.. xkan u nk keja for the rest of ur life just to please ur parents. keje bia yg u betul2 suka and minat so tht nnt xnyesal di kemudian hari. =)
ReplyDeletewey...smyg sunat istikharah la..hehe..saper ckp business susa nk dpt keje? senang jer aku raser..hehe
ReplyDeletebila.. follow ur heart..
ReplyDeletekeja pape pun, nothing is better than the other. rasa cam all pun sama penting..
fikirla masak2 k..
xnak fikir pun xpe, blah ja pergi mana2. hehehe..
anyway, jokes aside, way ur options la k.
i found it abit better to visualize wat would i be in the next ten years. miss yip told me that.
whether i can see myself in the hosp or in the office, off coast somewhere..
try la kot cmtu..
tgk whther u can see urself greeting the patients, looking at their teeth, doin scaling . kalu business.. hmm, deals ka, strategy ka. lol.
on top of it all, our parents only mean good for us loh.. at the end of the day, it ur choice loh..
anything pun we support u, k, dear..
hehe,thanks u'll.hehe.such a good fren. giving me advise and all.nisha siap surh i visualise myself lgi.hehe. yeah, i dun reali wan to work for the rest of my life just to please my parents. dun worry, im still taking dentistry. i asked my mom dlu dia nk jdi apa. then, she said, she dun reali noe wat to be. she kta she just tgk course yg ada kja lter on.so, i was like.biar btul.then, she said.amik jer dentistry. if u put ur heart to it u can make it. i noe that, i jenis yg belajar pas2 when i get the hang of it i jdi ska.so, its lke i can learn to love dentistry.but my dad ckp, he xtrkjut if i change my mind to become a doc.haha. dia mcm tahu jer ii tringin but takut could'nt handle it.anyway, thanks again u'll for that great advise.love ya,muackss.