nie aliza but we all call her
ally. she's reali fun 2 be wif. funny gla kot. boleh
gelak terbahak2 lpak gan dia. ;D. she dpt scholar mara bt she didnt take it.myb she takut she's goin 2 mish us kot.haha. love ya ally.
thanks for stayin here. ;)

beside ally and me nie is our lecturer,
miss siti hajar. cutekn dia? lecturer bio yg sporting habis. dh lar fun to be wif . summre bila dia ajar dlm kelas mmg bleh pham lar. btw,
she's only 22 years old.haha. spa2 nk ngorat tell me.i recommend to her later on.huhu.
haha. nie lar pix time we all tgh tunggu nk msuk klas chemi kt luar lecture hall. ada 1 jer interframe pix nie.haha. guess who?? hurmm..btw, yg
pkai bju kurung 2 org 2 are kamilah n quyah or lebih manja dipnggil ququ.hehe. new nick name. we need to find ne nick for kamilah plak.haha.

beside me is
athirah. very close to her. kira klu pergi mna2 always wif her. bt then, she dh pndh intect. how sad is that. hurmm. cant do much act.
she dpt scholar jpa g ireland.
wat dentistry.dh lar dpt course yg i nk.sbar jer.huhu.love ya..
act, this is the best pix. the only
pix wif the 5 of us. how sad is that, pasnie xleh nk snap pix 5 ppl dh since tyra pn dh xada kt class. i pn dpt lab partner bru 4 chemi, faatin.huhu. tp xsebest doin lab wif thyra lar..
goin 2 mish ya...but we can still meet outside. hehe lpak sma2. ;D
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ReplyDeleteh0ho~ pnDai2 jer pr0moTe i dLm bL0g u eyH.. erm.. i h0pe u enj0y in my cLasS.. n da m0st imp0rTant thiNg is u uNderstaNd n reMembeR whAt i've th0ugHt u dEar... =)
ReplyDeletedis 4 fellas are very notty and they will be my best students 1 day...
best nya life hg!
ReplyDeletemiss ct hajar~ haha,mna ada pndai2 promote miss.hehe. yeah, enjoy gla in ur class. hehe. okie.i'll try to rmember the stuffs that u taught us.:D kena belajar rjin2 lar pasnie.haha.
ReplyDeletep/s: i hope the 4 or us will be ur best student gak 1 day.haha. aminnnn... wohooo~!!!
aniss.. boleh lar. best gak life kt sni.. how ur's?? best xmatrik sna??