Monday, April 19, 2010


where should i start? hurmm, my peeps that keep updating with me will know the story about things that had happened to me this past few days. maybe yesterday, i was so pissed off, humiliated, embarrassed, felt stupid, betrayed and miserable but now, im recovering.. i can even put a big smile on my face without needing to fake it. sorry u guys, i smiled fakely the other day. i was just so moody at that time. so, it was beyond my control. jawahir will know better what im facing for this past few days. but hey, as i told up there earlier, im recovering. im more stronger now.huhu. thanks you guys for all the supports and advises.i really do appreciated it. =)).

in my entire life, i never met this type of people, who can make others laugh easily and can also make others easily cry. arghhh.. nevermind, im learning to forgive you actually. like Syan said, when im angry, i tend to merepek, mncarut and even exaggerate about stuffs sometimes. thats is why i post this new entry one day after. if not.hahaha, im scared that person will feel sad.

i cannot judge you, your my new friend. maybe thats the way you treat others, just like you treat me. but there's some do's and don'ts that you have to know when you mingling with gals. you need to stop doing this sweet stuffs to gals.girls easily attracted to that. i know its my fault too. i should actually put this one barrier in front of me when im chatting, fb or do anything with you since you've told me that gals are easily fallen for you. yeah, i should do that in the first place. i know, but i didnt i guess.

and for your information, i hate that you count how many gals that had already confessed to you. OMG. please lar.who do you think you are ?do you think gals are cheap? arghhh.. and i hate you're acting cool as if you've done nothing wrong. aihh..entah lar. nak kutuk lebih2 kat dlm post ni takut u sedey plak. hurmm. for what i know, i like you since your good in making me smile. im learning to smile again without you by my side. maybe i can kutuk you in front of my friends and all, but who am i to do that? i had never met you yet pun. so, how can i kutuk you lebih2 right?

p/s: im a person that can easily forgive and forget even if it hurts. =). and seriously, im wondering that, do you have any feelings for me. haha. ntah lar. maybe we should just leave it hanging there.


  1. be strong my darling! good to hear dat u r recovering...find sum1 to blurt out whenever u r sad..NEVER keep it to urself.. =)

  2. haha.yeah, i noe. i can smile easily now. =)). love u guys..xoxox.

  3. yes dear..keep it anytg tat will make u smile again k...dun hav to always stick to oni a person but try mingle around n u fil find tat act tis world has mre tat wat u cn even dare to imagine ya...stay u..

  4. hahaha.yeah, i noe. im tryin to find it. thanks ting. love u too. =))

