Sunday, October 24, 2010

F.R.I. E. N. D. S

i dun give enough credits to my frens. so, here's the post.. :). i love you guys to bits and pieces even though i dun say it out loud. but, you guys are the choc top to my cakes, ice creams and everything sweet. :). thats how important you guys in my life. thanks for always being there. :D
lovvvvvveeeeeee yaaaaaa.. missssshhhhhh yaaaa. :)

forever alone

do you remember this? i miss the old times. the time we used to spend vc and wc with each other. but now, i barely have time for you. as, time passes by, you will forget me. for all i have in remembering you is all the songs that we used to sing together.
where is your guardian angel? where is your call? the only exception?
and for now, all i can see is you are already starting to forget me. i feel pain deep down inside when i come to my senses that your not the same person as we met before.
i miss you.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


okay, basically, got this one guy in my class that likes me. he's not bad actually but i just dont like like him je thats all. the think is, dia buat i feel terharu. okay, u've heard about the gossip2 about me like semua orang tahu. even, pas performance ktaorg kat senior's freshies' nite pn, ade org tgur tanya btul ke i ade gaduh. okay. igtkn cter tue dh basi. but, its okay sbb byk gile gossip this week yg dpt cover up my gossip. hahahaha. thanks Allah. :D Back to the main story here, he actually do really care about me. he knows that i gaduh gan orang smua, but he still mcm likes me and he even told hyzan ( my roomate btw that i truly adore ), yang nanti i change lar. dia sruh hyzan advise i and all. hyzan told me that he spoke to her like he still care for me. serious terharu. dalam kecoh kecoh yang aku salah pun still ade orang still suke aku. wah, i mcm baek plak lar mamat ni kan. and everyone though that we have something special. like hello, havent you seen my fb about me. sye hati batu and im not available. adui, the chinese ske sgt ejek i with him. bile he changed his clothes from wearing baju melayu to baju kemeja, one of my chinese's frens asked me, are u going out later? i was like? what? then, he said i saw him change his clothes. i though you guys are going out. i was like how many times do i need to tell you guys, i dont have anything special relationship with him. then, they laugh. okay. esk tue ejek lagi. bile sruh my frens find me a boyfren diaorg sebut name dia, kte u guys padan ape? i was like. okay. change topic. so, here i will like to conclude that your not bad after all. thanks for still believing in me and thanks for always asking me to smile in class whenever you see me being too stress up. :). patutnye orang xtak tahu about us, sbb dia mne pernah tgur dlm kelas. tapi lagi bagus xtgur. karang lagi byk cter.

Monday, October 11, 2010

if only i get the chance

when i miss you, i can only tell it to myself. i can never get the chance to tell u again that i really miss and love you. you dont know that even you broke my heart for several times, i still love you. i wish we can be like before, but it would never happen i guess. your life has just started, you'll gonna find someone much better than me. although my life is so tiring and hectic, i still find time to miss you. that is how much i love and care for you every single day.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

tough week

okey, what a great week. i've made alot of mistakes in only in 1 week. i've made my classmates angry at me. hurmm. im really sorry. sometimes, i do things without thinking. sometimes, i can be too over react. no wonder before entering this week, my heart tells me not to talk or get to close with people. if you get too close. you tend to make mistakes. if your too far, people will say u sombong. kay, i kena both la kn. sorry i xtgur everyone at the lecture hall that often. i just tegur the one's that i rapat with. im really am sorry. i need to change to make them not to dislike me.
i think i dh masuk their list of kne kutuk slalu. like seriously, ramai gile kutuk i this week, from what i've heard. even, the boys know about this. i gaduh wif few girls but boys pn tahu. nmpak sgt my name mmg dh tercemar. great. its okey lar. im learning to change pun.

things that need to be changed b4 msuk UM this week, like seriously, xnk blk. :(

1. dont talk too kasar with them
2. smile more often
3. tgur them when i see them, but dun talk much, later gaduh lagi.
4. change my attitude
5. dun lepak in their rooms too much. i dun think they like it either
6. mintak maaf with everyone
7. keep my opinion to myself ( i tahu, UM smua bdk pndai2 )
8. learn to dance~!, and im bad in this, msti diaorg bengang. :(
9. study and duduk je dlm bilik tue~!
10. dont talk back when people kutuk u, biar lar kutuk, ade i kisah.

focus, focus, you can do it. kat UITM dlu xde pn gaduh gan org, mybe sbb i xcmpur with they all. kan senang. xde masalah. so, keep it to urself from now on.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

life is rough

i feel like caging myself up until i finish my sem 1 exam in nov. then, in dec i will be free as a bird. :). okay, i've been counting my days lately. like seriously, ni lagi scary dari exam spm or exam asasi yg i pernah ambik before this. i hate the word repeat, so mintak simpang2 banyak2 sangat. over here is really hard to study i tell you. there's always activities that we need to get ourself involve in. kalau xde activity, msti ade assignment yg merepek2 like reading journals and you need to present them in front of the lecturers. then, they will ask you about the journal that you have read and so on.if you dont know how to answer their question, you'll be penalised. it sucks i tell you. the thing is journal tue dh lar susah nak pham, biochem plak tue. adoi, mmg susah lar. besides journal, i ada reports, another 2 teeth that needs to be carved and plus i need to study for exams. 8subjects in 1 week. HOW GREAT~!

its fun being here actually, friends are great and all. i laugh more than i was in UITM maybe, i guess so. but still everytime that i feel happy, i will feel scared at the same time. life is rough. maybe i just need to bare with it for awhile. my friends said, Allah xkan bagi challenges to us yang kite xleh hadapi. so, maybe this is my faith. :)

due to alot of stresses, my face, owhh, my face. :(. dh byk pimples. benci gile. it must be bcoz of the food or the water or my hormones. damn, i need to blame something. arghhh. bnci btul. :(.

btw, i got some teka teki over here. :D
if darl is a short form for darling.
then sai, is a short form for what?
anyone can answer this. and if you read this i hope you will know the answer to it. :).

lots of love. muah. muah.
