Saturday, October 9, 2010

tough week

okey, what a great week. i've made alot of mistakes in only in 1 week. i've made my classmates angry at me. hurmm. im really sorry. sometimes, i do things without thinking. sometimes, i can be too over react. no wonder before entering this week, my heart tells me not to talk or get to close with people. if you get too close. you tend to make mistakes. if your too far, people will say u sombong. kay, i kena both la kn. sorry i xtgur everyone at the lecture hall that often. i just tegur the one's that i rapat with. im really am sorry. i need to change to make them not to dislike me.
i think i dh masuk their list of kne kutuk slalu. like seriously, ramai gile kutuk i this week, from what i've heard. even, the boys know about this. i gaduh wif few girls but boys pn tahu. nmpak sgt my name mmg dh tercemar. great. its okey lar. im learning to change pun.

things that need to be changed b4 msuk UM this week, like seriously, xnk blk. :(

1. dont talk too kasar with them
2. smile more often
3. tgur them when i see them, but dun talk much, later gaduh lagi.
4. change my attitude
5. dun lepak in their rooms too much. i dun think they like it either
6. mintak maaf with everyone
7. keep my opinion to myself ( i tahu, UM smua bdk pndai2 )
8. learn to dance~!, and im bad in this, msti diaorg bengang. :(
9. study and duduk je dlm bilik tue~!
10. dont talk back when people kutuk u, biar lar kutuk, ade i kisah.

focus, focus, you can do it. kat UITM dlu xde pn gaduh gan org, mybe sbb i xcmpur with they all. kan senang. xde masalah. so, keep it to urself from now on.


  1. alah kesiannye bell..bisaelah 2 msuk tmpt bru..x sume org suke x sume org benci kite..:)

  2. babe,biar lah,things are meant to be rough at first,aku kat uitm sekarang pun ramai berpuak2,aku pun takut je termasuk dlm Golongan org diKutuk.hmm so i tend to keep eveytng to myself.and yah our course ni ramai budak bijak pandai,so hmm pandangan kita kadang2 mcm diorang kata lekeh,huahhh! aku dah kena,tapi bantai je,diam sudah :)

  3. uiyoooo so dahsyat wan weih u guys nye course...summore got this kutuk2 thingy...ingatkan only happens in high school...hmmm seems like kena do everything by urself i think v jus need to learn to be independent! i support u lala but dun be too low self-esteem k...n dun fake whenever u mix wif pl...jus be natural n everything will be alrite! love u n jawa! take care

  4. hany- btul2. mcm roomate aku and mmber aku sorang je xbnci aku, aku rse ar. haha. :)
    jawahir- haha, i noe. bnci aku. pndai and mudah terase. susah btul duduk gan bdk2 pndai ni. same, i prefer to keep it to myself. tp like seriously, tmpt ktaorg ni kuat gossip. smua org dlm lecture hall kne gossip aku rse. skrg byk gile cter gaduh2. so, cter aku dh basi. hahahaha., happy gile. :D
    yenny- haha, totally like high skwl.everyone knows about everyone too much i guess. totally byk gossip. every week msti ade things yg happen.

