God, please help me clear up my mind and my uneasy heart. let by gone be by gone. i know im gonna cry and have unstable emotion once in awhile but im letting this go. i know he is better with her. i really hate you when you like her you but you didnt tell me. cakap je lar. xyah nk simpan. paling bnci that part. xtak nak cakap better i move on.
i know that one day, i'll be okay. im stronger than you think. i did make a promise dlu, i told myself that the last guy im going to fall in love is going to be my husband, i guess my mistake kot. never get yourself attach. xper, i will learn.
after this my heart akan jdi keras macam batu!. haha. i will ask my parents to choose for me, they know whats the best for me. i believe in their berkat. berkat ibu and ayah boleh bawa kebahagian smpai mati. i always hold to that.
btul cakap jawahir and his dad, dont fall in love coz it hurts. i should learn that. anis pn ade cakap kalau boleh dia pn xnk couple coz nnti susah je.
i have my supportive family and friends that i really adore. they will help me. as long as you pray, insyaAllah God will help you to the right path. you just have to believe.
nice! jawahir n his dad, now people think im a guy yang sgt lame sbb kata falling out of love would hurt.hahahhaa