Monday, March 30, 2009
thanks nisha for bringing me out~!!wohoo~!(:

Thursday, March 26, 2009
feeling active n kindda happy today~!! all of these for my lovely teachers.
pas2 tiba2 jer im thinkin of bakin cup cakes 4 da teachers at skwl.mmg time nk ambik result igt nk bake them cup cakes.tp xjdi. nsib baek xbg on dat day.dah lar i nangis like hell. nk bg cup cake lgi on dat day?haha.sure xjdnya lar.nnti end up i antar blk cup cakes 2 kt dad's bakery.btw, since i ada mood so baked them lar. myb can even promote my dad's bakery.haha.mna lar tahu kn. so, i baked around 48cakes. tp bg teacher 40jer,since my grandma.owh.lupa nk mention her nme.dia pn ada gak ari2.sibuk2 ajk i g bakery. as usual bila i wanted 2 bake the cup cakes.surely my grandma nk gaknya.so,i gave her 8cup cakes.n the rest bg kt my teachers.
i realli hope the teachers will like it.hehe.i've baked the cup cakes wif full of love n sincerity. i want them to know that i realli do appreciate all the things that they had done for me. love them so much..:).feel like crying plak.wa.. sdey tul that im not going to be in the school anymore.hurmm.;(
Monday, March 23, 2009
what a month~!! full of misery n sadness ;(
tension day~! due to jpj test...:(

Friday, March 20, 2009
ting, yen n me kt bukit hijau during junior;s burfday on the 14th of march. we all pegi gan choong.he drove us ther naik mercs lgi.aih. sbar jer.haha.:) we went ther wif 7cars kot. wat a day act. best gla time diaorg racing n ktaorg kt belakang sparuh nk mati.haha.tp mmg a great day lar.pity nisha cant follow us dat day.:(
wat a fun n dangerous day it is.~!!!