okie,basically today actually i don't have any plans.but then,around 11.ooam,nisha called me and asked me to go out with her.and at that time i was not prepared yet.since i was still on my bed. sleeping.so, u get the picture that i just only woke up when nisha called me.haha.what to do.its holiday time what.but,if nisha didnt call me and ask me out surely i'll be in bed snoozzing back to sleep. so, back to my story, nisha and i reached sunway around 12.00 at noon. btw, nisha drove us there.hehe.me and nisha alone.when my mum knew about that, she called me right away just to ask whether we safely reach.and asked nisha not to drive to fast.haha.mom~!!.what to do.they always like that.hehe.then, we booked our tickets.the confessions of a shopaholic.after that, we had our lunch at kopitiam junction since i didnt take any breakfast yet.i was starving at that time.hehe.nearly finished up the food.the food was in a big portion.so, u get the picture.that i was fulled like hell.hehe.(:.. after that, we walked around the mall until 1.30pm (the movie started at that time) the cinema was well.totally peopless.haha.if ada lar that word.haha.a few people only watched the movie,not even 10 people~!! we kind of lucky because there was a few people there. the movie was damn awesome~!! cool like hell.if i can rate it.i'll give it 10 over 10.hehe.damn nice.full of love, sadness, romantic, angry, and it was very funny indeed.hehe.to all people out there.please do watch the show ~!!.haha promoting the show plak. the producer should pay me for this.haha.:)
wow... bestnye!
ReplyDeleteyeah.mya. u should watch da movie.:)
ReplyDeletehaha, we bising like hell in the cinema.. totally into the movie la wyh.. haha
ReplyDeleteeh, u forgot to put the part that i couldnt take out the car from the parking spot.. hahahahaha.. ur most welcome again, thx 4 goin out wif me too.. a very good partner.. hehe.
hehe.yeah.gelak kuat gila.thank god xramai org.hehe.owh.about dat.hehe.xnk lar wat u malu plak.hehe.
ReplyDeletehehe..syok ar kuar dua org nie..lyk very grown up d..good2
ReplyDeletesmp skg aku blom tgk lgi... tomoro insyaAllah... hehhe
ReplyDeletehehe.tgk jgn xtgk da show. dh grown up apa yen.hehe.