Friday, January 21, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
basic entrepreneurship class
new elective class for this sem regardless of english. okey, basically the lecturer taught us about how to run your business later on and all. so, just now she explained about we need to take a risk if you want to be success in it . she gave this one example, about a guy or a girl confessing his/her love to the person he or she falls too. she said, if the girl or boy is inside the class, dont be embarrassed to confront her and tell her how you feel and ask her or he whether they can get together and get to know each other better. you see, teringat plak psal bdk tue. sengal. hahaha. i was laughing my ass out! like everyone was kay. :D
the thing is she said that mostly people will not do that coz they scared of being embarrassed. suddenly she asked, actually to whom you are embarrass of? is it your friends? are scared of what they gonna think about you? Are their thoughts really do effects you? pelik kan? hahaha. i was thinking like kisah plak lar orang cakap pe. hahaha.
the lecturer said if you never confront you might not know and you will never know. so, basically what i had learned from that class was if you never try you will never know. and once if that person falls for another person you should never regret even so most probably you might coz you yourself didnt take any risk at all.
so, im telling this coz i know you read my blog. honestly to tell you the truth. i know you like her. if you do, you just go for it. hey,it seems like you guys are the perfect match after all and who cares of what i think. you just need to tell me and i move on. thats the easiest part of all.
life dont have to be that complicated. im a simple girl. i like to do simple things and i find that every simple small or minute things that you do to people might effect others. so, just tell me. and dont get scared if i move on coz you have her. she is better for you.
the thing is she said that mostly people will not do that coz they scared of being embarrassed. suddenly she asked, actually to whom you are embarrass of? is it your friends? are scared of what they gonna think about you? Are their thoughts really do effects you? pelik kan? hahaha. i was thinking like kisah plak lar orang cakap pe. hahaha.
the lecturer said if you never confront you might not know and you will never know. so, basically what i had learned from that class was if you never try you will never know. and once if that person falls for another person you should never regret even so most probably you might coz you yourself didnt take any risk at all.
so, im telling this coz i know you read my blog. honestly to tell you the truth. i know you like her. if you do, you just go for it. hey,it seems like you guys are the perfect match after all and who cares of what i think. you just need to tell me and i move on. thats the easiest part of all.
life dont have to be that complicated. im a simple girl. i like to do simple things and i find that every simple small or minute things that you do to people might effect others. so, just tell me. and dont get scared if i move on coz you have her. she is better for you.
a little bit better
yeah, finish class at 4. thanks to the new english teacher, but ,maybe next week we will be finishing at 6. but for now im gonna keep on smilling. :). weekends pls be good to me. :)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
is it a good day? hurmm.

okey, today i woke up as usual. not usual lar. i cant wake up. :(. spttnye nk bgun at 6.00 nk study but i cant. sdey. :(. so, bgun kul 7.30. ambik ko! tdo 7 hours and 30mins! bpak ar. mcm bdk2. sbb over here mcm raining je. so, sjuk, so susah nk bgun. nak wat macam mane. aihh. pastu, kelas smua as usual. kay, pastu ptg abes at 3 something like that.
just only teringat kena wat kad matriks. haha. i've lost mine again! damN! if i ckp kat izwan ni msti dia gelak lgi! :(((. kat uitm dh pernah hilang, now over here plak. sedey gile. :(((. cari mcm nak rak dunia. actually, bukan itu saje hilang. ade lain jgak. mcm baju 2 helai and sport shoesss! my new sport shoess! sdey gile. :(((. now, i cant jogg d. lagi ar sdey.
back to wat kad matriks tdi. sakit hati gile ade ke diaorg xtahu mcm mne nk wat. pelik pastu kne g byk placessss! ARgghhh. xksah dh. aslkn i got mine d.. yippppppiiiii! :D.
thanks from the help of my friends kat sni. bdk passum dua org. aihh. baek diaorg tmankn. :DD
rsenye kne blnje diaorg.huhu.
pastu, balik bilik. tiba2 tergaduh gan roomate. :(((((. sdey gile. serious sdey. hurmm. i dunnoe how to feel lar nowdays ade je xkne. like everyday ade je xkne. nak nangis boleh tak? :(((((
penat lar macam ni. aihh.
last week pn wasnt a good one pn, suppose to meet my parents but they didnt come except for abah. i miss my mom actually. hurmm. rase nak nnges sekarang. i can only type it out je but really cant do it here. :'(((((. pastu, i would like to tell someone about things yg i wat every single day. but dunnoe who d. hurmm. so, i can only type it here.
so, actually today wasnt a good day after all. :(. i hope tonight we make it up. jgn lar marah. aku bukannye kisah klu ko xtahu. aku pn xtahu. so, xyah ar marah. hurmm.
nak susun gigi pn dh xde mood. aihh. :((
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
hari moodyku.

okay, arini bgun pagi2 not in a good mood. aihh, i dont know why. i feel so sick. sedikit flu and headache, but i act feel sicker inside. serious feel sick of everything. i donnoe why. but, i just cant stand it anymore. so, from now on i dont want to have any social life with those yg i xprnh jmpe face to face. im referring it to facebook. sket2 bkk fb, pastu sakit ati. sudahhh. sye xnk sakit hati dh. maybe arini lebih sedikit sbb tgh pms. but still. xleh mcm ni. i need to be positive at all times so that i can focus on my study. pagi2 bkk hp tgk2 calender dh 5TH. OMG! its 5Th d. damn! tinggal btul2 1 month until exm. mmg btul2 dkt exm gile. so really need to focus from now on. pape pn focus! i need to get good results for my parents. need to be stronger each day. motivate myself every single day. korang nnti msti pelik, karang tiba2 i will text all my bestiess from now on. haha. i will do that. dh lar susah nk jmpe. contact pn dh jrang nowdays. so, i should do that since fb dh xde. so,. no social life. :).
arini kaki sakit gile. dh ar jln jauh. hurmm. pastu, tdi almost nk jatuh kat toilet. licin gile. arghh! :(. nsib baek xjatuh karang mmg xleh jln mne dh. arghh! TDAKKK! i need to walk to medic fac smua. lately, belajar through study group mcm easier sket to study. huhu. :)
so, spending time wif my frens kat sni sket. to tell u the truth suddenly i feel like nk SHOPPING! OWHHH, TDAKKK! tolong jgn. tp shopping blog still can. tgk ar mcm mne. :)
password for fb dh bg kat haizan to take care of my account. sbb karang slalu on sgt. pastu, xleh nk stop. lgi2 time weekends. boring duk umah fb je kje. so, klu xde fb ni xyah tahu psal org sgt. mlas nk ambik tahu. baek g tgk tv. :)
from what i've seen. God has put me in this position for me to reflect back all my wrong doings and ask taubat from him. nak tahu. mama cakap, g mintak taubat kat Allah. thats what she said. mungkin banyak sgt dosa. i always wonder why i have so much probs. its act bcoz God wants me to be closer to him.
if you ask me, if i were a boy, spe i will choose as my wife. someone who is slalu jge diri dia properly so that boys cant get to her easily. thats what i always thought and thats what i always tell the boys. kenapa korang suke perempuan mcm nih? sometimes im referring it to me. huhu. guys just donnoe that, the girls yg kdang2 alim2 gile2 tue lar lawa actually. just that they never really show it like the other girls like you see kat luar tue.pakai je seksi smua tp lawa sgt ke actually?
sudah, ape aku merepek ni. kay. haha. tulis lar pjng2 pn nabila not org bce pn. haha. thats the best part. :). dh fb xleh pn jdi lar.
now, my head is spinning of this song. " pack ur bags and walk away. that was nothing i could say ". :)
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