okay, arini bgun pagi2 not in a good mood. aihh, i dont know why. i feel so sick. sedikit flu and headache, but i act feel sicker inside. serious feel sick of everything. i donnoe why. but, i just cant stand it anymore. so, from now on i dont want to have any social life with those yg i xprnh jmpe face to face. im referring it to facebook. sket2 bkk fb, pastu sakit ati. sudahhh. sye xnk sakit hati dh. maybe arini lebih sedikit sbb tgh pms. but still. xleh mcm ni. i need to be positive at all times so that i can focus on my study. pagi2 bkk hp tgk2 calender dh 5TH. OMG! its 5Th d. damn! tinggal btul2 1 month until exm. mmg btul2 dkt exm gile. so really need to focus from now on. pape pn focus! i need to get good results for my parents. need to be stronger each day. motivate myself every single day. korang nnti msti pelik, karang tiba2 i will text all my bestiess from now on. haha. i will do that. dh lar susah nk jmpe. contact pn dh jrang nowdays. so, i should do that since fb dh xde. so,. no social life. :).
arini kaki sakit gile. dh ar jln jauh. hurmm. pastu, tdi almost nk jatuh kat toilet. licin gile. arghh! :(. nsib baek xjatuh karang mmg xleh jln mne dh. arghh! TDAKKK! i need to walk to medic fac smua. lately, belajar through study group mcm easier sket to study. huhu. :)
so, spending time wif my frens kat sni sket. to tell u the truth suddenly i feel like nk SHOPPING! OWHHH, TDAKKK! tolong jgn. tp shopping blog still can. tgk ar mcm mne. :)
password for fb dh bg kat haizan to take care of my account. sbb karang slalu on sgt. pastu, xleh nk stop. lgi2 time weekends. boring duk umah fb je kje. so, klu xde fb ni xyah tahu psal org sgt. mlas nk ambik tahu. baek g tgk tv. :)
from what i've seen. God has put me in this position for me to reflect back all my wrong doings and ask taubat from him. nak tahu. mama cakap, g mintak taubat kat Allah. thats what she said. mungkin banyak sgt dosa. i always wonder why i have so much probs. its act bcoz God wants me to be closer to him.
if you ask me, if i were a boy, spe i will choose as my wife. someone who is slalu jge diri dia properly so that boys cant get to her easily. thats what i always thought and thats what i always tell the boys. kenapa korang suke perempuan mcm nih? sometimes im referring it to me. huhu. guys just donnoe that, the girls yg kdang2 alim2 gile2 tue lar lawa actually. just that they never really show it like the other girls like you see kat luar tue.pakai je seksi smua tp lawa sgt ke actually?
sudah, ape aku merepek ni. kay. haha. tulis lar pjng2 pn nabila not org bce pn. haha. thats the best part. :). dh fb xleh bkk.blog pn jdi lar.
now, my head is spinning of this song. " pack ur bags and walk away. that was nothing i could say ".
da.end.for.now.toodles.then. :)
haha, i read okay! <3 gooooood, keep in touch thru smses. haha. me love u!
ReplyDeletehahahah.u read? :P. u guys read lar bcoz wanna keep updating. :P
ReplyDeleteothers yg i xrapat will not lar. huhu. :)
i forget to tell this, iloveutoo! :)
ReplyDeletehehehe..i read too la lala...hey btw, nak gi tau dat u can put ur blog private but invite us to ur blog den everytime v nak masuk v jus need to enter our own email n password..u dun have to do anything... :) jus to let u noe bout dat cos me n shikin is doing dat now..hehehe... take care my darling..be positive.u still have one month though... n guess wad? i sleep 12hrs a day! double ur time..felt so useles...hehe
ReplyDeletehahaha, will do that. but for now. i'll just let it be open for now. bukannye ade org bce pn. :).
ReplyDeleteyen! 12 hours? haha, thats long! really long. mcm i tgh cuti. haha. nvm u still in your holidays so enjoy it kay to the max. :)