okey, today i woke up as usual. not usual lar. i cant wake up. :(. spttnye nk bgun at 6.00 nk study but i cant. sdey. :(. so, bgun kul 7.30. ambik ko! tdo 7 hours and 30mins! bpak ar. mcm bdk2. sbb over here mcm raining je. so, sjuk, so susah nk bgun. nak wat macam mane. aihh. pastu, kelas smua as usual. kay, pastu ptg abes at 3 something like that.
just only teringat kena wat kad matriks. haha. i've lost mine again! damN! if i ckp kat izwan ni msti dia gelak lgi! :(((. kat uitm dh pernah hilang, now over here plak. sedey gile. :(((. cari mcm nak rak dunia. actually, bukan itu saje hilang. ade lain jgak. mcm baju 2 helai and sport shoesss! my new sport shoess! sdey gile. :(((. now, i cant jogg d. lagi ar sdey.
back to wat kad matriks tdi. sakit hati gile ade ke diaorg xtahu mcm mne nk wat. pelik pastu kne g byk placessss! ARgghhh. xksah dh. aslkn i got mine d.. yippppppiiiii! :D.
thanks from the help of my friends kat sni. bdk passum dua org. aihh. baek diaorg tmankn. :DD
rsenye kne blnje diaorg.huhu.
pastu, balik bilik. tiba2 tergaduh gan roomate. :(((((. sdey gile. serious sdey. hurmm. i dunnoe how to feel lar nowdays ade je xkne. like everyday ade je xkne. nak nangis boleh tak? :(((((
penat lar macam ni. aihh.
last week pn wasnt a good one pn, suppose to meet my parents but they didnt come except for abah. i miss my mom actually. hurmm. rase nak nnges sekarang. i can only type it out je but really cant do it here. :'(((((. pastu, i would like to tell someone about things yg i wat every single day. but dunnoe who d. hurmm. so, i can only type it here.
so, actually today wasnt a good day after all. :(. i hope tonight we make it up. jgn lar marah. aku bukannye kisah klu ko xtahu. aku pn xtahu. so, xyah ar marah. hurmm.
nak susun gigi pn dh xde mood. aihh. :((
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