Monday, November 16, 2009
new sem...
this sem i will not make the same mistakes that i had done for last sem. i will be more mature and think of something that will really satisfy me and will not give pressures to me. i want to live a life that is pressureless.. something that will always put a smile on my face. so, i decided to change room for the better. learn to stay with new people.actually, it is not so new people. one of my roomates is my my classmate. so, i can say that i know the things that i suppose to know about her while the other were okie lar. they can really accept me as me. so, i really don't mind staying with them. we're in the same batch. i really hope that i can study well in my new room. Allah please help me to go through this new sem without any obstacles. i really hope i can study well so that i can reach my goal to become a successful dentist in the future. i will definitely put my heart and soul for it until my goals in life has achive.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
annoyed~!! irritated~!! u name it~!!
- i did'nt get my hp yet; they told me that it would be repaired by today, but it didnt~!! it is really on my nerves already.hurmm..
- i already send my laptop for 1 week but it is still not fixed~!! man, it's really sucks. i feel like i will not buy anything with the brand SONY on it~! hurmm.
- RESULTS~!! suppose to come out today, but no it DID'NT , i waited the whole day at home.aihh.that's kindda upset me alot.since i can go out and watch 2012.HURMM.. sad..
- about AUS~!! its really.. hurmm. i dunnoe what to say.sometimes, i feel that i want to go but then, sometimes, i dun feel like it..aihh.. sign..
- scared for next sem~!! too little time to study but has alot of chapters to learn. and for me, i will be having less time to study if i go to aus.arghhh.. and obviously, my lecturer would think that i'm a spoil brat since 2nd week of classes i skip and pergi oversea plak tue,. bad impression on the 1month of sem. later, it is hard for me to dekat2 with them and to pujuk them about my marks ker.aihh..
Sunday, October 25, 2009
need to put my mind straight..
so, to all my friends out there, whose having holidays and doing nothing benefial. we should actually set some goals for these holidays that still left so that when others ask us what did we do doing our holidays, we can stand proud to say we've done something beneficial.=D
so, this is my goal to tomorrow that i would like to achieve:
1. wake up early..
2. jogging~!!
3. read novel- it has been ages since i read one.
4. think about our new house wall papers.
5. read newspaper
6. stop eating unhealthy food and alot.
Friday, October 23, 2009
really scared rite now..
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
make me thinking.=(
after that, we barely talked to each other. when i tried to call you, you were busy. so, after awhile i tried to forget you since it looks like that we really were not meant for each other,you with your own things, and me with mine. it broke my heart ever since that,because i never get the chance to say i love you to you. yes, we do things like other couple would do, but we never declared it. your so caught up trying to get so many girls to notice you until you forgotten that you've opened mine to yours.
when i've moved on, couple with other people, you would called me asking me whether its true. obviously, i would say yes. but the way you asked me, as if i've done something wrong. as if, you're asking me to wait for you. when i asked do you have one? you denied it. so, you made me felt guilty. but then, i still kept on coupling with as many people as i want.
seldomly, you will call me asking me how am i doing. but as i said, seldom. like im not that important to you. as if, im just a friend.
it touched my heart when you called me during my spm. at that time i was studying for my biology paper. i couldn't study. so many things that i needed to read and memorised. i was so stressed out, but you were there for me, giving me advised. you even told me that if i was bored and need someone to talk too, i can always call even played the guitar for me to released my stressed. you were my inspiration. i got 1A for biology paper thanks to you. you really come to me on the right time. =D
after that, we became closed. closer than before, at that time i don't know the secret. but as we chatted through ym. i asked you once more, do you have a girlfriend.. you were silent for awhile. and then you replied. you said yes. but its complicated. i was so heart broken since then. i almost when out with you on that day. but i couldnt since my grandma was sicked at that time, so i needed to rush back to my aunty's house in kl. if not, i will definitely fall for you again. it showed that you and i were really not meant for each other. it really opened my eyes.
but now, this raya you wished me slamat ari rya at the last day of rya. i asked you why now, you said you definitely cant be the first because its already late, and wishing me in the middle would be clince and you prefer to be the last. i was speechless. but he was abit upset since i just said okey. he thought that i will be happy. but then i told him that i will remember it. =(.
am i pathetic? am i overeacting? for god sake, he has already has a girlfriend but he keeps doing something that i find it sweet.maybe as a friend right? who am i kidding, he's my first love. everytime he does something sweet to me, it will make me fall for him. i know that if we are destine to be together it will happen also someday. i will wait for it. but if your really not meant for me i hope i will find a better guy than you. someone who can really touches my heart and understand me. not making me wait for you.
lost in my own world~ =)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
afta test~!!
boring2. snap pix dlu. sblum smpai ktm kitaorg naik buses n taxi. pnat gile~!
me n quyah( ququ) :DD
kamilah, mua, n ququ. +_+
raya?? :((((
Sunday, August 2, 2009
updating things that i did on my birthday. ;D
syafeena pn ada.haha. kesian dia. asked her to come jusco early kot.dh lar dia xtau jln.haha.kesian tul.huhu. bt thanks coz dtg to clbrate my birthday~!!.hehe..ktaorg mkn kedai siam.xigt nma kdai tue.huhu.coz shikin nk sgt mkn ikan apa ntah.lpa plak.ala, ikan yg slalu ada kt kdai2 siam tue.haha. pas2, i nk mkn tom yam.huhu.sdap kot.huhu. yummyy. full mkn kt c2.huhu.pas2, ktaorg headed to shikin's hse. sent her bck home. then, went to sunway~!! wohoo.tgk pelham 123 gn diaorg n mak syafeena skali.mak dia sporting gla pity her mom n her coz kna blk awl. pas2, went to fetched my mom.hehe. tgk2 my mom kt kpj bm.aihh. i dh lar dunnoe the direction.haha.end up,pgi blk ker jusco bli BIGG APPLLE~!! huhu. ting n jwa bli secret recipe~!! mkn2 while waiting 4 my mom to arrive.after she arrived we headed home~!!. tp byk present kot~!!hehe. ;D.thanks u guys~!! love u guys so mucchh~!! huggsss nn kisssesss~!!
time kt toilet gan nj~!! wah.. i reallii reallli mishhh her alott~~!! liyana too.aihh.slalu dpt hang out skali. even though kta jauh wif each other, tp we stil love each other n besties 4 ever. ;D. bt this time, liyana xcuti, so, xleh nk lpak skali.aihh~!! too bad..
time ambik shikin~!! jmpa diaorg time cuti jer.aihh. xbest tul. even though, dkt gan shikin. bt then, stil xsmpat nk jmpa. study asasi nie tiring n u dun hve time 4 urself.kna catch up byk kot.aihh. xper lar.just 1year. kna make full of it lar~!! coz akn tntukn whether im takin medic or dentistry.huhu. :D
okie, after mkn kt subaidah,pergi kt keta. tgk2 keta kna tahi burung~!! gross gila~!!! dh ar byk.klu sket lain ar cter. sbar jer~!! pas2, g umah shikin. had to fetch her plak.huhu.birthday gal kna fetch gan rmai org. aihh.birthday gal jdi driver.ish2.. pity me..wa.. hehe.xada arr. im so glad diaorg leh kuar. klu xclbrate sorang ar.aihh. sbar jer. ;) love them sooo muccchh.. pas2, pnjam paip kt umah shikin.haha. cuci my mom's car dlu.karang bising plak dia~!!.huhu.
i woke up early .haha. birthday gal lar lar. not so rjin.huhu. woke up early coz kna send my mom to her work place.b4 dat, i fetched ting 1st.haha. i fetched her at 7.30am.haha. early kn?huhu. she kna wake up early bcoz of me.haha. after sent my mom, go fetched jawahir~!!.wohoo.kesian dia. janji at 9, bt i fetched her at 8.15.huhu.kjam i on my birthday.huhu. pas2, bwk diaorg g subaidah.breakfast sma2.huhu.lma dh xwat mcm tue. n ktaorg mkn byk gila kot~!!.kta nk diet.sbar jer.aihh.. ;D
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
18th birthday- im oldddd..add more wrinklessss..
- jawahir for those cute keychains~!! :D
- shikin, ifni for the cutttee teddy~!!. i've always want 1 from my frens.hehe.
- ting,yen and safwan for the bathroom decoration~!! so adorable. ;D
- syafeena for givin me some money to buy the sandle. love the sandle alot~!.haha. ;D
Sunday, July 5, 2009
full of sadness in my life~!
Saturday, July 4, 2009

tired of studyin.. need to catch up wif my studies. im so good this weekend xkuar mna2 pun. mama, abah should be proud of me.haha.
more updates on my life in uitm shah alam,;D
Thursday, June 11, 2009
life in uitm shah alam..
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
missing everyone..even though u guys r not always at my side.
p/s: i love u guys so much. thanks for supporting me and being my friend all this while. i love u guys with all my heart. every moments we had together, i'll cheerish it. coz i noe that i couldnt find other friends like u guys. u guys are the apple of my eye.
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009
so many things that i need to be prepared of.wa.. TENSION~!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
ding dong~!! =)

Monday, April 20, 2009
he's just not that into you~!!

- if you went out with him on a date and after a few days after that he didnt call you.that means he's reali not into you. so, for the gals out there just forget about the guy that didnt call u back after the 1st date. its not worth it if you wait for him~!!
- if you meet a new guy and the guy did ask for your number and he gives he's number too to you but he didnt let you know when he's going to call.( that means he's reali just being polite by taking ur number because he just don't want to let you down. so, basically just forget about this dude~! coz he wouldnt call u back.~!!)
- if he's done something wrong or something that you realli hate such as smoking., even though he knew that your dad died due to the lung cancer.( that means he's totally not for you because he's doesn't seem to care about your feelings.)
- if he cheated on you with another gal, and he offers himself to move out. (that means he's realli not into you anymore because he's trying to get out from you.)
how to know whether the guy is into you??!!
- he calls you after your 1st date and say something like he had some wonderful time with you on your 1st date. ( he's totally into u babe~!! haha so, better keep your mind alert because maybe he will asks you for another date..=)
- if he picks up your call even though he's with another gal. ( that could be a sign of he's into you~!! so, you better watch out. maybe you will see some flowers at infront of your house~!!=)
- if he asks you for another date after your 1st date( he likes u babe~!! your in his lists.hehe)
- if he listens to your problems and gives you some good advise ( he's falling for you~! but there could be just a sign of friends. so, you reali need more signs than this one.
- the most important thing is that he calls you when you didnt get back to him after you said you will call him back later on. it shows that he's reali reali reali into you when he come to your house instead if you didnt get back to him ( he's just worry about you and that means he's reali fallen in love with you~!! how sweet is that right.hehe.)
so, here is some guide lines for the gals out there is searching for MR RIGHT. if they reali do exist.haha. so, gudluck with that kay~!! =) and
please leave your comments after reading this kay~!!.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
im going to wait for u~!!

Im goin to wait for u~!
Monday, March 30, 2009
thanks nisha for bringing me out~!!wohoo~!(:

Thursday, March 26, 2009
feeling active n kindda happy today~!! all of these for my lovely teachers.
pas2 tiba2 jer im thinkin of bakin cup cakes 4 da teachers at skwl.mmg time nk ambik result igt nk bake them cup xjdi. nsib baek xbg on dat day.dah lar i nangis like hell. nk bg cup cake lgi on dat day?haha.sure xjdnya lar.nnti end up i antar blk cup cakes 2 kt dad's bakery.btw, since i ada mood so baked them lar. myb can even promote my dad's bakery.haha.mna lar tahu kn. so, i baked around 48cakes. tp bg teacher 40jer,since my grandma.owh.lupa nk mention her nme.dia pn ada gak ari2.sibuk2 ajk i g bakery. as usual bila i wanted 2 bake the cup cakes.surely my grandma nk,i gave her 8cup cakes.n the rest bg kt my teachers.
i realli hope the teachers will like it.hehe.i've baked the cup cakes wif full of love n sincerity. i want them to know that i realli do appreciate all the things that they had done for me. love them so much..:).feel like crying plak.wa.. sdey tul that im not going to be in the school anymore.hurmm.;(
Monday, March 23, 2009
what a month~!! full of misery n sadness ;(
tension day~! due to jpj test...:(

Friday, March 20, 2009
ting, yen n me kt bukit hijau during junior;s burfday on the 14th of march. we all pegi gan choong.he drove us ther naik mercs lgi.aih. sbar jer.haha.:) we went ther wif 7cars kot. wat a day act. best gla time diaorg racing n ktaorg kt belakang sparuh nk mmg a great day lar.pity nisha cant follow us dat day.:(
wat a fun n dangerous day it is.~!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
living in melbourne wif my aunt n her family~!!